opac, catalogo, online,servizi, biblioteca, sebina

<<Real life in London or the rambles and adventures of Bob Tallyho esq. and his cousin, the Hon. Tom Dashall, through the metropolis; exhibiting a living picture of fashionable characters, manners and amusements in high and low life by an amateur. Embellished and illustrated with a series of coloured prints designed and engraved by messrs. Alken, Dighton, Brooke, Rowlandson, &c>> 2

Titolo-non-significativo Testo a stampa (antico) 1822

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NAPBN@Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli - SBN


Biblioteca nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III


Consultazione e fotoriproduzione

Inventario 961820
Collocazione RARI DORIA 49(2
Note v. 2 - Già Fondo Doria III 152/2